Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I built a wall.

Here is an update!

I don't think the term 'update' is entirely appropriate, considering that my last post was in February or some time dusty and distant. The term 'update' would maybe imply that dear readers have been avidly checking for news at regular intervals, which would be sad for them as consistency is foreign to me.

Here's something else that's foreign - I've made some art, and it's viewable as we speak. It has an internet location here, and if you want to gaze upon it you have to go here. Looks good at night. I'm satisfied.

It's strange that I decided to build a wall. Years ago I had convinced myself that I needed to know how to build a wall. The skill of wall building seemed vitally important. Perhaps one day soon there would be a plague of nasty ground-dwelling animals and I would be called on to protect my home or suburb with a solid, sturdy wall.

Well, my wall building skills are still atrocious and it took two days to contruct that fiend, even with helping hands and all the silicone Bunnings could hold.